Add Last Modified Time
Learn how to build a remark plugin that adds the last modified time to the frontmatter of your Markdown and MDX files. Use this property to display the modified time in your pages.
Section titled Recipe-
Install Helper Packages
to modify and format times:Terminal window npm install dayjsTerminal window pnpm install dayjsTerminal window yarn add dayjs -
Create a Remark Plugin
This plugin uses
to run a Git command that returns the timestamp of the latest commit in ISO 8601 format. The timestamp is then added to the frontmatter of the file.remark-modified-time.mjs import { execSync } from "child_process";export function modifiedTime() {return function (tree, file) {const filepath = file.history[0];const result = execSync(`git log -1 --pretty="format:%cI" ${filepath}`); = result.toString();};}Using the file system instead of Git
Although using Git is the recommended way to get the last modified timestamp from a file, it is possible to use the file system modified time. This plugin uses
to get themtime
(modified time) of the file in ISO 8601 format. The timestamp is then added to the frontmatter of the file.remark-modified-time.mjs import { statSync } from "fs";export function modifiedTime() {return function (tree, file) {const filepath = file.history[0];const result = statSync(filepath); = result.mtime.toISOString();};} -
Add the plugin to your config
astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';import { remarkModifiedTime } from './remark-modified-time.mjs';export default defineConfig({markdown: {remarkPlugins: [remarkModifiedTime],},});Now all Markdown documents will have a
property in their frontmatter. -
Display Last Modified Time
If your content is stored in a content collection, access the
from theentry.render()
function. Then renderlastModified
in your template wherever you would like it to appear.src/pages/posts/[slug].astro ---import { CollectionEntry, getCollection } from 'astro:content';import dayjs from "dayjs";import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc";dayjs.extend(utc);export async function getStaticPaths() {const blog = await getCollection('blog');return => ({params: { slug: entry.slug },props: { entry },}));}const { entry } = Astro.props;const { Content, remarkPluginFrontmatter } = await entry.render();const lastModified = dayjs(remarkPluginFrontmatter.lastModified).utc().format("HH:mm:ss DD MMMM YYYY UTC");---<html><head>...</head><body>...<p>Last Modified: {lastModified}</p>...</body></html>If you’re using a Markdown layout, use the
frontmatter property fromAstro.props
in your layout template.src/layouts/BlogLayout.astro ---import dayjs from "dayjs";import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc";dayjs.extend(utc);const lastModified = dayjs().utc(Astro.props.frontmatter.lastModified).format("HH:mm:ss DD MMMM YYYY UTC");---<html><head>...</head><body><p>{lastModified}</p><slot /></body></html>
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Add Last Modified Time
Build a remark plugin to add the last modified time to your Markdown and MDX.
构建一个 remark 插件并将其添加到你的 Markdown 或 MDX 文件中。
在 Astro 组件中共享状态
了解如何通过 Nano Stores 在 Astro 组件中共享状态