4 • 通过可复用的页面布局节省时间和精力




  • 为你的 Markdown 文件创建一个新的博客文章布局
  • 将 YAML frontmatter 的值作为 props 传递给布局组件


标题部分 为你的博客文章编写布局

当你在一个 .md 文件中包含 layout frontmatter 属性时,你可以在布局文件中使用所有 frontmatter YAML 的值。

  1. 创建一个新文件:src/layouts/MarkdownPostLayout.astro

  2. 将以下代码复制到 MarkdownPostLayout.astro 中。

    const { frontmatter } = Astro.props;
    <p>Written by {frontmatter.author}</p>
    <slot />
  3. post-1.md 中添加以下 frontmatter 属性。

    layout: ../../layouts/MarkdownPostLayout.astro
    title: 'My First Blog Post'
    pubDate: 2022-07-01
    description: 'This is the first post of my new Astro blog.'
    author: 'Astro Learner'
    url: 'https://docs.astro.build/assets/full-logo-light.png'
    alt: 'The full Astro logo.'
    tags: ["astro", "blogging", "learning in public"]
  4. 再次检查 localhost:3000/posts/post-1 上的浏览器预览,并注意布局为页面添加了什么内容。

  5. 将相同的布局属性添加到你的另外两篇博客文章 post-2.mdpost-3.md 中。在浏览器中验证你的布局是否也应用于这些文章。

自己动手尝试 - 自定义博客文章布局

标题部分 自己动手尝试 - 自定义博客文章布局

挑战:确定每篇博客文章中共有的项目,并使用 MarkdownPostLayout.astro 来渲染它们,而不是在 post-1.md 和将来的每篇博客文章中编写它们。

下面是重构你的代码的例子,将 pubDate 包含在布局组件中,而不是在你的 Markdown 内容的正文中编写:

Published on: 2022-07-01
Welcome to my new blog about learning Astro! Here, I will share my learning journey as I build a new website.
const { frontmatter } = Astro.props;
<p>Published on: {frontmatter.pubDate.slice(0,10)}</p>
<p>Written by {frontmatter.author}</p>
<slot />


下面是一个重构后的布局示例,只留下了由 slot 渲染的单个博客文章内容。你可以自由使用这个示例,或者创建自己的布局!

const { frontmatter } = Astro.props;
<h1> {frontmatter.title}</h1>
<p>Written by: {frontmatter.author}</p>
<img src={frontmatter.image.url} width="300" alt={frontmatter.image.alt} />
<slot />

你能找出应该填入空白处的内容,使得以下两个组件一起产生可用的 Astro 代码吗?

  1. src/pages/posts/learning-astro.md
    layout: ../../__________/MyMarkdownLayout.astro
    title: "Learning About Markdown in Astro"
    author: Astro Learner
    ____: 2022-08-08
    I learned so much today! Astro allows me to write in Markdown, but also use variables from the frontmatter. I can even access those values in an Astro layout component.
  2. src/layouts/MarkdownLayout.astro
    import ____________ from '../components/Footer.astro'
    const { ___________ } = Astro.props
    <p>Written by:{frontmatter.______ } on {frontmatter.pubDate}</p>
    < _______ />
    <Footer />
    1. src/pages/posts/learning-astro.md
      layout: ../../layouts/MyMarkdownLayout.astro
      title: "Learning About Markdown in Astro"
      author: Astro Learner
      pubDate: 2022-08-08
      I learned so much today! Astro allows me to write in Markdown, but also use variables from the frontmatter. I can even access those values in an Astro layout component.
    2. src/layouts/MarkdownLayout.astro
      import Footer from '../components/Footer.astro'
      const { frontmatter } = Astro.props
      <p>Written by:{frontmatter.author } on {frontmatter.pubDate}</p>
      <slot />
      <Footer />